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Heydar Aliyev





Children from Adjara visited “Nakhchivangala” Historical-Architectural Museum Complex

As we reported, as a continuation of the healthcare activities between Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Adjara Autonomous Republic of Georgia, on July 28, 19 children of low-income families suffering from respiratory diseases   and 9 parents accompanying them came to Nakhchivan to take a course of treatment at Duzdagh Physiotherapy Center.  

On August 2, children from Adjara visited “Nakhchivangala” Historical-Architectural Museum Complex. The guests were informed that the territory of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is one of the oldest settlements in the world. Therefore, there are rich cultural and architectural examples of all periods of history in the region. Among these monuments, Nakhchivangala has great importance. In 2010, the restoration of Nakhchivangala began, reconstruction works were carried out in the historical area, and the previous appearance was restored. “Nakhchivangala” Historical-Architectural Museum Complex was established by the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of  Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on June 5, 2013 to ensure the protection of the ancient historical and cultural heritage of Nakhchivan.

The guests were informed about the various household items, which belonged to the V-III millennium before the era, ceramic products of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, copper tools, gravestones, weapons and valuable exhibits exhibited at “Nakhchivangala” Historical and Architectural Museum Complex.

Guests were invited to the tea table.

Children from Adjara then visited the Heydar Aliyev Child and Youth Creativity Center and viewed the exhibition consisting of handicrafts of the members of different circles.

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Date: 03-05-2024
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